

—  ABOUT —


The Cannon has been here for eleven years - the recipe behind our ability to remain planted through all of the ups and downs of a decade boils down to one thing: our community. For us, that means our staff, our partnerships with suppliers, roasters, etc., and our customers. The magic behind coffee is not caffeine (though that’s definitely a perk for some of us), it’s the family and friendships that unfold because it brings us together. Coffee has a rich history of connection and that has always been at the core of what we do. The reason we strive day-in & day-out to bring the best coffee and food we can find, is you - is us - is this community. So this gallery is meant to pay tribute to that and to hold memories for all of us to come back to when our cups run out.  We love you.

-The Cannon Crew


—  HOURS  —


FROM 7 AM - 5 PM


Monday - Thursday 7 AM - 2PM

Friday - Sunday 7 AM - 4PM


Come cozy up with us on the corner of Cannon and Ottawa St.

180 Ottawa St. N. Hamilton, Ontario L8H 3Z3


905 - 545 - 5565